في طور الإنجاز
En cours
In progress
indicator regional
"Number of supervisors in social assistance centers under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid"
16.1.3 Proportion of the female population subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence in the previous 12 months
16.2.3 Proportion of young women aged 18 to 29 years who have been subjected to sexual violence before the age of 18
5.2.1Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age.
5.2.1Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by area of residence.
5.2.1Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence
5.2.2 Proportion of women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age.
5.2.2 Proportion of women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by living environment.
5.4.1 Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by area of residence and sex
5.4.1 Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex and age
5.6.1 Proportion of married women aged 15 to 49 years by who decides on access to health services
5.6.1 Proportion of married, widowed or divorced women aged 15 to 49 years by whether or not they can refuse sex with their spouse if they do not want to
5.6.1 Proportion of married, widowed or divorced women aged 15 to 49 years by who decides on the use of contraceptives
Activity rate by age group and sex
Activity rate of the female population
Activity rate of the population aged 15 and over by age group
Activity rate of the population aged 15 and over by area of residence (quarterly)
Activity rate of the population aged 15 and over by degree
Activity rate of the population aged 15 and over by sex and area of residence
Administrative staff in higher education by component
Age at first marriage of population aged 15 and over by environment and sex
Annual precipitation
Area of arboriculture
Area of citrus crops
Area of forage crops
Area of oilseed crops
Area of seasonal vegetable crops
Area of olive growing
Area of red fruits growing
Average age at first marriage by area of residence and sex
Average annual expenditure per person
Average annual food expenditure per household
Average annual food expenditure per person
Average annual food expenditure per person and by selected food products
Average annual population growth rate
Average annual precipitation
Average Length of Stay (ALOS) in public hospitals
Average number of years of schooling
(number of years)
Average Occupancy Rate in public hospitals (AOR)
Average parity at 45-49 years by area of residence and sex
Average size of households by area of residence
Bed capacity of classified tourist establishments
Budget coefficients
Built area of buildings authorized to build
(Square metre)
Capacity of vocational training establishments
Cereal production
Chronic disease expense amount
(Thousand dirhams)
Classified road network length
Common core students
Computer use rate by age
Computer use rate by diploma
Construction cost index
Construction Materials Average Price Index
Contribution of regions to HFCE National (Base 2007)
Contribution of regions to national GDP growth (Base 2007)
Credits distributed
(Million dirhams (MDH))
Cultivated area of legumes
Cultivated area of sugar crops
Cultivated area of cereals
Deposits collected
(Million dirhams (MDH))
Deprivation intensity of the poor
Disabled population
Distance of rural households to the nearest asphalt road
Distance to paved road by area of residence
Distribution of households by household waste disposal method and area of residence
Distribution of households by sewage disposal method and area of residence
Double poverty rate
Emaciation in children under 5
Employment rate by age degree
Employment rate by age group
Employment rate by area of residence (Quarterly)
Employment rate by sex and area of residence
Employment rate of the female population
Expected value of buildings authorized to build
(Thousand Dirhams)
Exports of industrial units products
(Thousand dirhams)
Female active population
Female employed active population
Female underemployed active population
Female unemployed active population
Feminization rate of adouls according to the courts of appeal
Feminization rate of bailiffs of justice according to the courts of appeal
Feminization rate of Copyists according to the courts of appeal
Feminization rate of interpreters according to the courts of appeal Interpreters
Feminization rate of Judicial experts according to the courts of appeal
Feminization rate of notaries according to the courts of appeal
Feminization rate of State personnel
Feminization rate of students in college secondary education
Feminization rate of students in elementary education
Feminization rate of students in primary education
Feminization rate of students in qualifying secondary education
Feminization rate of the active population
Feminization rate of the employed active population.
Feminization rate of the underemployed active population
Feminization rate of the unemployed active population.
Feminization rate of titular lawyers according to the courts of appeal
Fertility rate of women of childbearing age by five-year age group and area of residence
Floor area of buildings authorized to build
(Square metre)
Gini coefficient
Gross junior secondary education enrollment rate
Gross primary education enrollment rate
Gross qualifying secondary education enrollment rate
Growth of Regional Gross Domestic Product (Base 2014)
Growth rate of Gross Domestic Product
Heads of households by age groups, sex and residence
Heads of households by level of education, sex and residence
Heads of households by marital status and sex
Heads of households by marital status and sex
Heads of households by sex and residence
Heads of households by type of activity and sex
Hospital capacity by category of public hospitals
Household Final Consumption Expenditure (Base 2007)
Household Final Consumption Expenditure at current prices (Base 2014)
Household Final Consumption Expenditure per Capita (Base 2007)
Household Final Consumption Expenditure per capita at current prices (Base 2014)
Households by area of residence
Households by distance between the houses and the nearest water point
Households by distance between the houses and the nearest water point
Households by duration to reach the nearest water source
Households by duration to reach the nearest water source
Households by number of rooms occupied and area of residence
Households by type of housing and area of residence
Households whose housing is not connected to a public electricity distribution network by lighting method and area of residence
Households whose housing is not connected to a public water distribution network by mode of water supply and area of residence
Housing by seniority and area of residence
Human Development Index
Illiteracy rate by age group area of residence and sex
Illiteracy rate of heads of households by sex and residence
Illiteracy rate of the population aged 10 and over by sex and area of residence
Incidence of of hepatitis B per 100 000 population
(Number of cases with hepatitis B per 100 000 inhabitants)
Incidence of tuberculosis per 100 000 population
(Number of cases with tuberculosis per 100 000 inhabitants)
Index of average annual rent amounts
Internet use rate by age
Internet use rate by diploma
Investment of industrial units
(Thousand dirhams)
Junior secondary education abandon rate
Junior secondary education repetition rate
Junior secondary education success rate
Labor force (Employed and unemployed workers who have already worked) by status in occupation,area of residence and sex
Literacy rate of the population aged 10 and over
Literacy rate of the population aged 10 and over by sex and area of residence
Literate population of 10 years and over by language read and written, area of residence and sex
Local languages used (non-exclusive) by area of residence and sex
Medical density per 10 000 inhabitants
(Number of doctors per 10 000 inhabitants)
Monetary poverty rate
Monetary poverty rate
Multidimensional Poverty Index MPI
Multidimensional poverty rate
Multidimensional poverty rate
Municipal population by five-year age group, area of residence and sex
Municipal population by five-year age group, area of residence and sex
Municipal population by functional age group, area of residence and sex
Municipal population by functional age group, area of residence and sex
Net activity rate by sex and area of residence
Net junior secondary education enrolment rate
Net primary education enrolment rate
Net qualifying secondary education enrollment rate
New registrants in the first year of public primary education
Nombre des plans cadastraux établis
Nombre des réquisitions déposées
Nombre des titres fonciers établis suite au morcellement
Nombre des titres fonciers établis suite aux immatriculations
Number of adouls according to the courts of appeal
Number of agricultural holdings
Number of animals checked for export
Number of animals checked on import
Number of apprenticeship training centres
Number of arrivals in classified tourist establishments
Number of associations houses
Number of bailiffs of justice according to the courts of appeal
Number of bank accounts by status
Number of bank accounts by type of customer
Number of bank accounts opened by category of holder
Number of bank accounts opened by gender
Number of bank agencies
Number of beds in private clinics
Number of beekeepers
Number of beneficiaries from centers for disabilities
Number of beneficiaries from the guidance and assistance centers for persons with disabilities
Number of beneficiaries of associations houses
Number of beneficiaries of child protection units
Number of beneficiaries of DAR AL MOUATEN centers
Number of beneficiaries of education and training centers
Number of beneficiaries of multifunctional spaces for women in difficult situations
Number of beneficiaries of social assistance centers
Number of beneficiaries of social welfare centers
Number of building authorizations issued by urban municipalities
Number of candidates present in the baccalaureate exams
Number of cases of commercial courts by its state and type
Number of cattle identified according to the National Numbering and Tracking System
(Number of heads)
Number of centers DAR AL MOUATEN
Number of centres for the disabled
Number of child protection units
Number of children benefiting from kindergarten
Number of circles
Number of civil cases in first instance courts by Appeal courts, Type and state of Cases
Number of classes in 1st year of junior secondary education
Number of classes in 2nd year BAC
Number of classes in 3rd year of junior secondary education
Number of classes in preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles of engineers
Number of classified tourist establishments
Number of Clinics
Number of common core classes
Number of community schools in primary
Number of companies with an open bank account
Number of copyists according to the courts of appeal
Number of deceased mothers
Number of dental surgeons public sector
Number of doctors of public sector by domain
Number of dogs vaccinated against rabies
Number of education and training centers
Number of establishments for the training of executives by disciplinary field
Number of establishments of preparatory classes for engineering schools
Number of female adoul according to the courts of appeal
Number of female bailiffs of justice according to the courts of appeal
Number of female copyists according to the courts of appeal
Number of female interpreters according to the courts of appeal
Number of female judicial experts according to the courts of appeal
Number of female notaries according to the courts of appeal
Number of female students in college secondary education
Number of female students in elementary education
Number of female students in primary education
Number of female students in qualifying secondary education
Number of female titular lawyers according to the courts of appeal
Number of guidance and assistance centers for persons with disabilities
Number of halls used in junior secondary education
Number of halls used in primary education
Number of heads of livestock treated against parasites
(Number of heads)
Number of heads of livestock vaccinated against Bacterial anthrax
(Number of heads)
Number of heads of livestock vaccinated against Bluetongue
(Number of heads)
Number of heads of livestock vaccinated against Enterotoxemia
(Number of heads)
Number of heads of livestock vaccinated against Foot and mouth disease
(Number of heads)
Number of heads of livestock vaccinated against PPR
(Number of heads)
Number of heads of livestock vaccinated against Sheep pox
(Number of heads)
Number of higher education graduates by component
Number of higher education institutions by component
Number of higher education students by component
Number of higher university education establishments
Number of hives
Number of housings in buildings authorized to build
Number of individuals with an open bank account
Number of industrial establishments
Number of insured persons and Rights holders
Number of interpreters according to the courts of appeal
Number of judicial experts according to the courts of appeal
Number of junior secondary education classes
Number of junior secondary education establishments
Number of Kindergarten
Number of kindergarten educators
Number of kindergarten educators under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid
Number of literacy spaces
Number of livestock
(Number of heads)
Number of livestock keepers
Number of mortgages registered by land conservation and by area
Number of multifunctional spaces for women in difficult situations
Number of municipal and rural red meat slaughterhouses inspected
Number of new registrants to higher education by component
Number of notaries according to the courts of appeal
Number of Nurses by speciality
Number of permanent vocational training trainers
Number of pharmacists public sector
Number of poultry units checked
Number of prefectures
Number of preschool education classes
Number of preschool education classhalls
Number of preschool education educators
Number of preschool education establishments
Number of primary education classes
Number of primary education establishments
Number of private higher education establishments by type of establishment
Number of provinces
Number of Public Hospitals by Category
Number of qualifying secondary education classes
Number of qualifying secondary education classhalls
Number of qualifying secondary education establishments
Number of repeat candidates in the baccalaureate exams
Number of repeat students in 3rd year of junior secondary education
Number of repeating students in qualifying secondary education
Number of residential rooms in buildings authorized to build
Number of rural dispensary
Number of Rural Health Centres by Category
Number of satellites in primary
Number of social assistance centers
Number of social welfare centers
Number of students in 3rd year of junior secondary education
Number of students in junior secondary education
Number of students in preparatory classes for engineering schools
Number of students in preschool education
Number of students in primary education
Number of students in qualifying secondary education
Number of students in the apprenticeship training centres
Number of students of the higher technician certificate
Number of students residing in university residences and boarding schools by nationality and sex
Number of subscribers to the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water-Water branch
Number of successful candidates in the baccalaureate exams
Number of supervisors in associations houses
Number of supervisors in associations houses under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid
Number of supervisors in DAR AL MOUATEN centers
Number of supervisors in DAR AL MOUATEN centers under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid
Number of supervisors in education and training centers
Number of supervisors in education and training centers under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid
Number of supervisors in literacy spaces under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid
Number of supervisors in social assistance centers
Number of supervisors in social wefare centers
Number of supervisors in social wefare centers under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid
Number of supervisors in the child protection units
Number of supervisors in the child protection units under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid
Number of supervisors in the disability centers
Number of supervisors in the disability centers under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid
Number of supervisors in the guidance and assistance centers for persons with disabilities
Number of supervisors in the guidance and assistance centers for persons with disabilities under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid
Number of supervisors in the literacy spaces
Number of supervisors in the multifunctional spaces for women in difficult situations
Number of supervisors in the multifunctional spaces for women in difficult situations under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid
Number of temporary vocational training trainers
Number of titular lawyers according to the courts of appeal
Number of towns by area of residence
Number of trainers in the apprenticeship training centres
Number of trainers in the apprenticeship training centres under tutorship of the delegation of National Mutual Aid
Number of university students by type of access and sex
Number of Urban Health Centres by Category
Number of vocational training establishments
Number of vocational training graduates
Number of vocational training trainees
Number of white meat slaughterhouses checked
Number of women abused during childhood
Number of women benefiting from the literacy spaces
Number of women civil servants
Number of women, aged 15 to 74, abused at one time or another in their life
Number of women, aged 15 to 74, abused during the 12 months preceding the survey according to the context of violence
Number of women, aged 15 to 74, abused during the 12 months preceding the survey according to the form of violence
Number of women, aged 15 to 74, abused during the 12 months preceding the survey in a conjugal or non-conjugal context
Number of women, aged 15 to 74, abused during the 12 months preceding the survey in education and training establishments
Number of women, aged 15 to 74, abused during the 12 months preceding the survey in public places
Number of women, aged 15 to 74, abused during the 12 months preceding the survey in the conjugal context
Number of women, aged 15 to 74, abused during the 12 months preceding the survey in the family context
Number of women, aged 15 to 74, abused during the 12 months preceding the survey in the workplace
Number of women, aged 15 to 74, victims of electronic violence during the 12 months preceding the survey
Occupancy rate by area of residence
(number of individuals per room)
Occupancy status by area of residence
Para medical personnel by grade
Paramedical density per 10 000 inhabitants
(Number of professionals in the paramedical sector per 10 000 inhabitants)
Pavement rate
Permanent employees
Permanent higher education teaching staff by component
Population by activity, area of residence and sex
Population by level of education, area of residence and sex
Population by local languages used and sex
Population by local languages used and sex
Population by marital status, area of residence and sex
Population density
(inhabitants / km2)
Population of 10 years and over by language read and written and sex
Population of 10 years and over by language read and written and sex
Poverty severity index
Poverty vulnerability rate
Poverty vulnerability rate
Preschool gender parity index
Prevalence rate of childhood violence against women
Prevalence rate of disability by area of residence and sex
Prevalence rate of electronic violence against women during the 12 months preceding the survey
Prevalence rate of violence against women
Prevalence rate of violence against women during the 12 months preceding the survey
Prevalence rate of violence against women during the 12 months preceding the survey according to the context of violence against women
Prevalence rate of violence against women during the 12 months preceding the survey in a conjugal or non-conjugal context
Prevalence rate of violence against women during the 12 months preceding the survey in education and training institutions
Prevalence rate of violence against women during the 12 months preceding the survey in public places
Prevalence rate of violence against women during the 12 months preceding the survey in the conjugal context
Prevalence rate of violence against women during the 12 months preceding the survey in the family context
Prevalence rate of violence against women during the 12 months preceding the survey in the workplace
Primary education abandon rate
Primary education repetition rate
Primary education success rate
Production of arboriculture
Production of citrus crops
Production of forage crops
Production of honey
Production of industrial units
(Thousand dirhams)
Production of legumes
Production of oilseed crops
Production of seasonal vegetable crops
Production of sugar crops
Production of the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water-Water branch
(Thousand cubic meters)
Production of olive growing
Production of red fruits growing
Proportion of beneficiaries of the expenses of chronic diseases
Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel
Proportion of GDP corresponding to viable fishing activities
Proportion of households by frequently used cooking method and by area of residence
Proportion of households by Households Mode of Waste Evacuation by area of residence
Proportion of households by housing type and area of residence
Proportion of households by Wastewater disposal method by area of residence
Proportion of households connected to public sewer networks
Proportion of households equipped with a computer
Proportion of households equipped with a fixed telephone
Proportion of households equipped with a mobile phone
Proportion of households equipped with a radio
Proportion of households equipped with a television
Proportion of households equipped with internet
Proportion of households equipped with internet
Proportion of households with access to electricity
Proportion of households with access to electricity
Proportion of households with basic housing equipment by place of residence
Proportion of households with drinking water from the network
Proportion of households with home appliances by area of residence
Proportion of informal employment in non-agricultural sectors
Proportion of insured persons with compulsory health insurance and rights holders
Proportion of singles aged from 15 to 29 years by five-year age group, area of residence and sex
Proportion of women of childbearing age using modern family planning methods
Qualifying secondary education dropout rate
Qualifying secondary education repetition rate
Qualifying secondary education success rate
Quantity of food products Distributed
Quantity of inshore and artisanal fishing by species
Ratio of inhabitants per basic health care facility
Ratio of inhabitants per doctor
Ratio of inhabitants per nurse in the public sector
Ratio of inhabitants per public hospital bed
Ratio of students per preschool educator
Ratio of students to classes in junior secondary education
Ratio of students to classes in preschool education
Ratio of students to classes in preschool education
Ratio of students to classes in qualifying secondary education
Receipts of the Territorial Collectivities
Regional Gross Domestic Product by branch of activity (Base 2007)
Regional Gross Domestic Product by branch of activity (Base 2014)
Regional Gross Domestic Product Growth (Base 2007)
Regional Gross Domestic Product per capita (Base 2007)
Regional Gross Domestic Product per capita at current prices (Base 2014)
Regional Unemployment rate
Revenue from land conservation
(In thousands DH)
Room capacity of classified establishments
Rotatio Interval in public hospitals
Rotational rate in public hospitals
Sales of the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water to consumer subscribers-Water branch
(Thousand cubic meters)
Sales of the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water to distribution agencies and private companies-Water branch
(Thousand cubic meters)
School enrollment rate for children aged 7 to 12
School life expectancy SLE
(number of years)
Share of expenditure on certain products in food expenditure
Singles rate at 55 by area of residence and sex
Social Development Index
Specific enrollment rate for children 4-5 years
State personnel
Students in 1st year of junior secondary education
Students in 2nd year BAC
Students of the 6 th public primary year
Stunted growth in children under 5
Superficie des réquisitions déposées
Superficie des titres fonciers établis suite au morcellement
Superficie des titres fonciers établis suite aux immatriculations
Surfacing state ISU of road network
Teaching staff in junior secondary education
Teaching staff in primary education
Teaching staff in qualifying secondary education
Territorial Communities Expenditures
(Million dirhams (MDH))
The active population by area of residence and sex
The number of beneficiaries of the expenses of chronic diseases
The number of repeat students in 1st year of junior secondary education
The population aged 10 and over by level of education and area of residence
the population by five-year age group, area of residence and sex
Tonnage of controlled red meats
Tonnage of controlled white meats
Tonnage of dairy products certified for export
Tonnage of dairy products checked
Tonnage of fresh fishery products checked
Total fertility rate by area of residence
Tourist overnight stays in classified tourist establishments
Turnover of industrial units
(Thousand dirhams)
Underemployment rate
Underemployment rate (quarterly)
Underemployment rate by age group
Underemployment rate by degree
Underemployment rate of the female population
Underweight in children under 5
Unemployment rate
Unemployment rate (quarterly)
Unemployment rate by age group
Unemployment rate by degree
Unemployment rate of the female population
urban households by seniority of housing
Urban households by seniority of housing and area of residence
Urbanization rate
Useful Agricultural Area
Value Added for industrial units
(Thousand dirhams)
Value of coastal and artisanal fishing by species
(Thousand of DH)
Value of registered mortgages
(in thousands)
Volumetric Poverty Index
Liste des provinces de TTA